Link to the Insignificant Made Significant post

Insignificant Made Significant

Who are the people in your life that you have deemed as significant? What about those that you have deemed insignificant? 
Link to the Unity Not Uniformity post

Unity Not Uniformity

There’s something people don’t prepare you for when you get married–not only are you marrying a person, but you’re marrying into a family.
Link to the Empty Words post

Empty Words

Jesus comforts and, at the same time, warns us in Matthew 12:37, "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." 
Link to the Flaming Arrows post

Flaming Arrows

I didn’t become familiar with spiritual warfare until I was in high school when an unexplainable event happened.
Link to the The Value of a Person post

The Value of a Person

At Willow, we talk a lot about loving our neighbors as ourselves. Doing so requires us to internalize that we all want and need similar things.
Link to the Let it Go! post

Let it Go!

Recently, Willow Friends did a production of Frozen Jr. I absolutely loved it!  I have two beautiful young daughters under the age of 12, and Frozen was one of their favorite movies.
Link to the Die Daily To Live post

Die Daily To Live

I don’t think I’ve ever been excited to jump out of bed just to deny myself for the day.
Link to the Hard To Fathom post

Hard To Fathom

My grandmother passed away recently. I have fond memories of her and my grandfather while growing up.
Link to the No Ordinary School post

No Ordinary School

When Jesus selected leaders, it seems to me that He ignored every idea of what kind of person could fit the role. Jesus’ disciples started out like most of us, untrained and without influence in...