This Easter, we’ll explore the Good News in five simple words: God, Sin, Love, Grace, & Life. Experience the reality of Jesus’ love and victory over death at Willow this Easter!
Let’s prepare our hearts for Easter through prayer! Join our 21-Day Prayer Initiative as we seek God’s favor and faithfulness during this season of transition and joy.
Get daily prayer prompts via the Willow app—download it today and turn on push notifications so you don’t miss out!
The in-person Teams Invitational is a great opportunity to connect with a serving team, where you can use your spiritual gifts to fulfill God’s purpose and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others!
This one-day workshop will help you navigate difficult moments of grief, like holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, alongside others who have experienced loss.
Willow Friends presents Aladdin Jr., based on the 1992 film, follows Aladdin on a thrilling adventure where he discovers his true worth with the help of unlikely friends. There will be free admission, live interpretation, and streaming available!
HSM Summer Camp is an opportunity for high school students to deepen faith, build friendships, and experience powerful worship and teaching. Registration is now open!
The Willow app is an easy way to stay in the loop on all things happening at your Willow location. You can also read daily devotionals, access group guides, watch weekend messages, and more!
Our campus pastors write to you each week, sharing reflections, challenges, and updates on all things happening at your Willow location. Sign up and don’t miss a beat!
If you are not serving on a team, you are missing out on God’s best for you. We invite you to check out the serving opportunities we have available. Connect with us to learn more and try it out!
Looking for a specific type of group based on your life stage? Wanting to meet on a specific night? Use our Group Finder tool to find a group that works for you!
Discover Willow is for anyone who wants to learn more about who we are as a church family and how to get connected. If you are new to Willow, or maybe you have been attending for a while but are not connected in community, you don’t want to miss this experience.