Ripples of Change

Celebration of Hope is a time to open our eyes to the movement of God through the local church around the world! From rural Zambia to the urban centers of India (and everywhere in between) God is on the move through local churches thinking creatively about how to fight poverty and injustice so that lives are transformed and Jesus is made known. Communities are providing the next generation with better educational opportunities, people are pooling resources to empower entrepreneurs to start businesses, churches are purchasing land to dig wells so that more people have access to clean water, and all this is made possible when followers of Jesus decide to build a better future, together!

On the Weekends

During weekend services on March 2, 9, & 16, we’ll see how hope doesn’t just impact one person’s life, but creates ripples of change. Through miracle after miracle in the Bible, we see defiant hope in Jesus as He heals, restores, and sets things right. What was it like to be the recipients of and partners in these miracles? This Celebration of Hope season, we dive into three different miracles, consider the various points of view in each story, and challenge each person at Willow to play a part in bringing miraculous hope to our world through God’s global church.

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Pack seeds, change lives:

March 9–15

Help provide thousands of pounds of food and a sustainable source of income to families in Malawi and Zambia by signing up to pack seeds! This easy volunteer opportunity is great for kids and students!

Seed Packing Times & Dates

Global Prayer Partners

There is power in prayer—especially when we commit to praying for Jesus’ followers and church to be His hands and feet around the world. This Celebration of Hope, you can get connected with a prayer partner from one of our partner churches in Africa, Latin America, or the Middle East. All you do it provide a few pieces of information (life stage, prayer request, etc.) and we’ll match you with someone across the globe in a similar season of life. You commit to praying for them, and they’ll commit to praying for you!

Note: No contact or personal identifiable information will be exchanged.

Stories From Our Partners

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When you give above and beyond to Celebration of Hope, you directly fuel the impact of our partners in their communities. Every gift—from $1 to $10,000—makes a difference. Giving opens March 2.

Three ways to give:

  • Online | Click here and select “Celebration of Hope” in the dropdown.
  • In person | Drop a check with “Celebration of Hope” in the memo line in the offering box at any Willow location.
  • By mail | Mail a check with “Celebration of Hope” in the memo line to 67 Algonquin Rd. South Barrington, IL.

The Impact of Giving

Because you gave in 2024…

  • 105 community schools were run by churches, helping thousands of kids thrive.
  • Up to 151 million pounds of food were grown, benefiting up to 200,000 families, from envelopes of seeds distributed to our partners in Zambia & Malawi.
  • 41 new wells were drilled at local churches, changing the trajectory of communities.
  • 11,701 church leaders were equipped with new tools and techniques.
  • 18,933 farmers received training to help them provide for their communities and families.
  • 23,988 people participated in savings groups
  • 17,000 refugees received food, clothing, and access to mental health services.
  • 7,080 churches are the hope of the world through our partner networks!

How will you change the world this year?:

  • $1.25 helps someone join a savings group in Malawi where they are able to save an average of $30.22 per year
  • $35 trains a farmer in Zambia in sustainable farming practices
  • $100 provides church planting and discipleship training for a refugee in Jordan
  • $295 builds a bathroom in India, creating safety and dignity for women and children
  • $500 provides a classroom of 16 children with access to technology for education in Costa Rica
  • $2,650 empowers 10 church leaders through a year’s training in community development, directly impacting more than 1,520 people in El Salvador
  • $6,400 drills a deep well that provides over 2,600 people with piped clean water



Our Partners

The Global Compassion & Justice ministry fights poverty and injustice in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East through partnerships with locally-run organizations and networks of churches united by a common goal to serve their communities together in Christ. Discover how your generosity and service can help support and encourage local churches to amplify their impact in their communities.

Select a region of the world to learn more about our partners and how you can support them in prayer!

Global partners


Hear stories of transformation from our partners in Africa!

Asia & the Middle East

Hear stories of transformation from our partners in Asia and the Middle East!

Latin America

Hear stories of transformation from our partners in Latin America!

Global Teams

Global Serving Teams are an opportunity to witness God’s work, serve alongside our global partners fighting poverty and injustice in their communities, and build rich and meaningful relationships.

Typical serving teams spend the week with a local church to build relationships, attend the church’s Sunday service, serve together with the community on a hands-on project or ministry, and focus on learning from the local church in the context they serve in.