You have decided to follow Jesus. What’s next?

Welcome to your journey of faith! We are so excited that you have decided to follow Jesus. You may be wondering, what should I do now? 

Reading the Bible, getting baptized, and getting plugged into community are helpful first next steps. Linked below is all the information you need to get started. 

Attend Discover Willow

Discover Willow is for anyone who wants to learn more about who we are as a church family and how to get connected. If you are new to Willow, or maybe you have been attending for a while but are not connected in community, you don’t want to miss this experience.

Get Baptized

Baptism is an opportunity to share with your community about the decision you’ve made to place your faith in Jesus. Our hope for you is that once you’ve understood what it means to be a Jesus follower, that you can follow that up with the personal decision of Baptism.

Join a Rooted Group

Rooted is a 10-week experience where you’ll learn foundational Christian beliefs and practice spiritual rhythms for daily life. You’ll journey through Rooted with others, learning from their lives and stories, while exploring the Bible through daily readings and reflection questions.

Connect with a Pastor

Your journey toward choosing Jesus may have been a happy one, but could also have been a difficult one. We are here to partner with you in your faith journey whether you have spiritual questions, would like prayer, or need help in other ways.

Spend daily time with God

Sign up to receive daily devotionals each morning, Monday–Friday, and read scripture and reflection to go deeper in your time with God.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter

Our campus pastors write to you each week, sharing reflections, challenges, and updates on all things happening at your Willow location. Sign up and don’t miss a beat!