This Easter, we celebrate the simple yet powerful truth that the tomb is empty, death is defeated, and new life is available to anyone who puts their faith in Jesus. Through His life, death, and resurrection, we are offered grace and the promise of redemption. Experience the reality of His love and victory over death at Willow this Easter.
6 p.m., Friday, April 18
As we prepare for the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday, Good Friday offers us an important opportunity to remember the difficult journey of obedience and sacrifice that Jesus took, on our behalf, before His resurrection. Join us, at Willow Crystal Lake, for an interactive time of prayer and reflection as we remember the sacrifice that was made for each of us.
Enter through the 2W door off of Main Street.
9 a.m., Sunday, April 20
11 a.m., Sunday, April 20
Willow Kids program available for birth–grade 5
Check out what to expect here. Willow Crystal Lake is located at 100 S. Main Street, Crystal Lake, 60014.