What word usually comes second in this phrase? Buried ______. Summer seems to bring out the inner pirate in me.
I find it easier to lean toward forgiveness when I’m in need of it. Have you experienced that too? When I’ve wronged someone, I have a pretty good argument as to why I should easily be forgiven.
I work with a lot of leaders who put integrity at the top of their value list. They want to be known for being a leader of this trait.
I ran track in school, and I always felt like it was both an individual and team sport. When I stepped up to the start line, I felt the pressure—it was up to me.
Forgiveness is hard. It really is. This is because it goes against human nature. Human nature or instinct typically suggests that if someone hits us, we should hit back, harder.
A few years ago, one of my kids, deeply hurt by something another teen did, told me angrily, “Forget about giving grace, Mom
What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples, “let your light shine before others?” Many winters ago, after four or five inches of snow (before snow blowers were common)
Who are the people in your life that you have deemed as significant? What about those that you have deemed insignificant?
There’s something people don’t prepare you for when you get married–not only are you marrying a person, but you’re marrying into a family.