Peace. Where do you look for it? Growing up in the big city of Detroit, peace was hard to find. Added to that, growing up in a large family, where could I find peace?
“You’re taking the joy out of the journey!” My roommate half jokingly and half seriously exclaimed hours into our drive from Chicago to the East Coast.
I'm a nature girl at heart, and recently, this Illinois flat-lander headed to the Rocky Mountains. We borrowed a four-wheeler and bumped up the mountain seven miles to our hike.
God is always present with us, whether our attention is on Him or not. But sometimes, we want to give Him our attention and receive His in return. And we do this through prayer.
I know most certainly that I want to be a godly leader driven to make certain that others may see Jesus in my actions so that my actions might help lead them to Christ at the appropriate time.
This past summer was the hardest summer of my life by far. For me it was a season of waiting but even more a season of God stripping me of my self-sufficiency.