I remember being young in my career, working in public relations at an international agency in downtown Chicago and seeing for the first time a 30 Under 30 list. If you’re not familiar, they are...
This week, we celebrate the dignity of every phase of life. However, as the decades fly by, physical aging frequently feels undignified to me. Along the way, my mom has given me insight into aging.
This little one, who was completely dependent on us for everything, suddenly took up all the space in the room. We had just gotten home from the hospital with our firstborn child, and I was keenly...
Our culture is obsessed with the idea that we can halt the signs of aging. The other day, my younger sister said, “You need to cut your hair. It will make you look so much younger. And while you're...
The rumors are true. I finally learned to backflip into the river from the high rope swing at Willow Creek’s Camp Paradise (we’ve got proof—watch this!). I am not as young as I was when I...
People often use this passage to contrast the importance of spending time with Jesus instead of focusing on tasks. It is an excellent illustration of the importance of presence with God, as opposed to...
Maybe you’ve heard some of these before: “Girls rule! Boys drool!”; “You throw like a girl!”; “Girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.” On the...
Confession: I didn’t want to write today’s devotion as much as you’ll want to read it. What Jesus’ disciple Peter speaks about how men, women, and marriage was and still is a tender topic. We...
I have often wished I could be more like other women—in so many ways: appearance, family, personality. The list could go on. The writing industry says that authors need a social media presence. This...