Worshipful Eyes
Dan Lovaglia, Camp Pastor, Camp Paradise | January 10, 2025

Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in obedience to him and revering him.
Deuteronomy 8:6
I participated in an intensive retreat years ago, and I distinctly remember the eyes of those facilitating the experience. There was something about their eyes that drew me in. It was a community of transformed people whose hearts were imperfect but pure in relationship with God. Their eyes were experienced, tender, and hopeful. I didn’t know how to get them, but I wanted what they had—worshipful eyes that were obedient and reverent toward the heavenly Father.
Eyes are fascinating. More than the shape or color, I’m mesmerized by how eyes speak. You can look at someone, as I did on my retreat, and in the blink of an eye, notice more than what’s on the surface. Your eyes and mine reveal what’s going on within. Ever so subtly, our personality, feelings, experiences, and affections surface through the way our eyes show up in the moment. Joy. Disgust. Anticipation. Curiosity. Agitation. Peace. Guilt. Regret. Determination. Eyes are a window to the soul, but one of the myriad ways God weighs our worship of Him.
In A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Eugene Peterson cautions: “The person of faith looks up to God, not at him or down on him. …If he or she fails to take that posture, attentive responsiveness to the master’s commands will be hard.” Looking up reveals a heart that honors the Lord as a way of life, not just when singing praises or serving Him. Yes, there’s a time to bow our heads reverently. But eyes that resist or can’t look up to God may indicate unhealthy fear, arrogance or sinfulness. Your eyes and mine expose the true posture of our heart toward our heavenly Father.
Worshipful eyes are hard won—by the sacrifice of Christ and our sacrifice as living followers of Him. If you want to know how your heart and your faith are doing, take a long look in the mirror. Better yet, ask someone what they think your eyes disclose about you. This revealing exercise could open your eyes to loving the Lord more obediently and reverently as you seek to worship Him wholeheartedly.
Next Steps
Do you more often look up to or away from God these days? What causes you to hide your eyes from your heavenly Father—busyness, anger, sin, fear, guilt, shame? If you desire to worship God more obediently and reverently, tell Him in prayer and ask Him to remove whatever is holding you back.