Seeing Others As Christ Does
Katie Franzen, Executive Pastor of Ministries and Strategic Initiatives | May 24, 2024

“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”
2 Corinthians 5:16–19
At Willow, part of our DNA is our heart for compassion and justice. Most people relate to the concept of compassion and have little hesitancy in advocating for the compassionate treatment of others. What Christ-follower doesn’t want to be known for having compassion like the good Samaritan? The word “justice” is inspiring for some; yet for others, it may carry a negative connotation, being tied more closely to political allegiance or overly simplistic “solutions” for systemic problems.
The Biblical view of justice reminds us that God is perfectly just. As today’s Bible verse says, “God has reconciled us to himself through Christ.” The just punishment for our sin has been paid for by Jesus. When we accept this sacrifice by Christ, we should no longer live self-absorbed lives or evaluate people based on the world’s values. We can see them as potential new creations, like us, and seek to see them reconciled to Christ. This is a picture of biblical justice—seeing God’s image in and heart for every person and then fighting for their value to be known and respected, despite how the world may treat them because that is what Christ would do.
As Christians, our purpose in life isn’t simply to be saved. Rather, once we are saved, we get to participate in the renewal and restoration of all things until Jesus returns. We get to have compassion and seek justice for those the world often overlooks. As a church, we do this very practically by serving others. There are so many opportunities to serve, whether it is participating in a serving group or by joining a team. These opportunities to be generous with our time and skills allow us to live out the gospel. When people experience our love and grace, they are more likely to be reconciled to Christ.
Next Steps
- Join or lead a serving group. For 10 weeks, these groups serve with valued partner organizations in our local communities. Go to and use the Group Type filter labeled “serving,” to sign up today.
- Become part of a team that regularly serves at Willow. Teams are the heartbeat of what allows people to experience Christ’s love and compassion when they walk in our doors. Whether you like computer programming, taking photos, cooking a meal for those who are in need, or simply holding the door open for people, there’s a serving opportunity for you at