Faithful in Little Things
Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | November 20, 2023

“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.
Luke 16:10 (NASB)
A fellow author once told me, “You need a platform.” When I think of a platform, I think of a stage. When I think of a stage, I think of a microphone. In third grade, we took turns holding a microphone and delivering the ‘daily news’ to our classmates. Almost instantly, I just knew God wanted me to be an actress. That dream died, however, when I had a role in a seventh grade play and forgot to scream at the appropriate place in the performance. Humiliation followed.
As a Christ follower, I sometimes consider our pastors and musicians the most essential players in God’s kingdom. They certainly have important platforms, but God tells us that each of us should be “faithful in little things.”
How can we be faithful in little things? We must look differently at the many seconds we are given each day. First of all, where has God planted you at this very moment in time? My children and grandchildren have left Illinois for three separate states. Sometimes, I’ll say, “Woe is me.” Then the Holy Spirit whispers, “Nancy, you can still love them even though you aren’t near. And when you are near, don’t waste opportunities.”
Love meant patiently teaching long division to one grandchild on our latest trip. I was also the student when her older sister taught me a quality skincare routine and how to effectively use a curling iron. These things are not my jam, but God asked me to do little things with love.
On our car ride home, we stopped at a large gas station named Love’s. I wasn’t exactly feeling loving, with at least ten hours left in our journey. After using the restroom, a bedraggled woman shuffled in as I washed my hands.
“How ya doing today?” she greeted me with a gapped-tooth grin.
She was so joyous and full of love. Instantly, joy welled up, and I said, “I’m great—hope you have a wonderful day.”
“I will, Honey, you know it’s my birthday. Today, God’s given me seventy years.”
Tearing up, I knew I had just experienced God teaching me. Two little old ladies at Love’s gas station had shared a moment, reminding me of God’s great faithfulness in small, unexpected ways.
I may never clutch a microphone on the large stage again and may never author an award-winning book. But the author of my life lights my path. May I honor Him in what I think, say, and do today and all the tomorrows.
Next Steps
- Brainstorm in your journal small ways that you can “Love God, Love People, and Change the World!”
- Pray for opportunities to serve Jesus today.