We have two fantastic partners in Jordan and South Asia. Learn more about them below!
Working with 14 churches in Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey, The Nazarene Church Network empowers church leaders to respond to recent natural disasters and the ever-present refugee crisis in the Middle East.
serving over 800 refugee families per month with food, clothing, and other necessities. This work puts the goodness of the Gospel on display in a tangible way, leading to many people coming to faith and then being trained into Christian leaders.
The church also hosts a discipleship school, where Jordanians and refugees alike are trained theologically. Refugees have already been trained and then resettled in 17 countries around the world to plant churches and serve as leaders for existing churches.
The network also serves children in their Joy Club, an education program that serves refugee children aged 4–6 years old who cannot attend government-run schools while living in Jordan. It is a safe space for children to learn, grow, and experience the love of Jesus three times a week.
Pray for peace in Israel and Palestine, and the surrounding countries. The violence and threat of violence in the area destabilizes the region and makes life that much more difficult for refugees in Jordan. Also pray for refugees who are still unable to work and make a living for their families, that God would provide the proper documentation and opportunities for them.
RIMI’s primary mission is to reach unreached people in South Asia with a gospel message of love, while developing Christlike leaders that change lives and transform communities.
Our work focuses completely on working with churches, and their “mercy and compassion ministries” which are focused on “helping to make the lives of the people in and around churches better.”
Working with 220 churches, equipping them to bring Christ’s love to their communities. They are also working with pastors to build public bathrooms in communities that do not have them, leading to increased sanitation, safety and dignity for women and children. There are multiple child development centers that last year provided over 700 kids with access to education. All of these efforts build trust in the communities and lead to people coming to faith and churches being planted.
Pray for the pastors and other Christians who are experiencing intense persecution right now. Pray for hearts to be softened, government regulations to be loosened, and the Gospel to take root in the hearts of the people of Rajasthan and Haryana.