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Check out serving times to sign up!
The Global Compassion & Justice ministry fights poverty and injustice in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East through partnerships with locally-run organizations and networks of churches united by a common goal to serve their communities together in Christ. Discover how your generosity and service can help support and encourage local churches to amplify their impact in their communities.
Select a region of the world to learn more about our partners and how you can support them in prayer!
When you open God’s Word, you quickly see His heart of compassion and justice. God doesn’t want to simply bring peace and joy in Heaven—He wants to bring restoration on Earth as it is in Heaven. Subscribe to the Daily Devotional and deepen your faith and understanding of God’s mission to transform our world.
One of the best ways to expand your worldview is in relationships with others. Over the next few weeks, spend time sharing your learnings and questions in your small group. Click here to receive the weekly group guides.
Not in a small group? Our groups directory opens May 5. Learn more about groups here.