As a kid of the 70s, I love vinyl records. The sound of a needle in the grooves of the record is different from any other music listening experience.
What would it look like if we chose to live counter to the social norms and we went out of our way to live mercy as Jesus did?
Kingdom values require vulnerability which feels like weakness but actually requires strength and courage.
Sometimes, extending mercy takes practice. On our own, giving mercy is impossible to do. The beauty is we don’t have to do it alone
Our God is a loving and merciful Father. There is no offense too great for Jesus to cover. In his rich mercy, He will always swoop us up and hold us away from the punishment–seeking accuser.
Mercy is not contingent upon our goodness or lack thereof. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
As God’s people on earth today, God also calls us to seek shalom in the world today, to strive for and create a flourishing society.
When Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow, He was reminding us to always pray and never give up. Even when we get discouraged. Even when people are telling us there is no way. Even when we...
If we want to pursue justice, we must first, and always, start by seeking God’s Kingdom. If we desire righteousness, a word inextricably connected to the word justice in the Old Testament, we must...