It was a sunny day in the Loop. I had taken the train to meet a high school friend for lunch. It had been far too long since we’d seen one another. She was about a half block away when our eyes met....
What kind of music moves you? Is there a particular song, artist, or genre that speaks to you? I love all kinds of rhythms and tempos, but the blues always grips me.
When was the last time you had a consuming, full-body, dizzying celebration? It’s not something we experience often in our culture, but when we do, we never forget it.
If I were to describe my favorite earthly celebration, it would be the day I married my husband 28 years ago. We were surrounded by our loved ones and felt incredible gratitude that God brought us...
Have you ever been stuck in a rut? Down in the dumps? Not feeling 100% yourself? Life tends to ebb and flow, and there have been times I have found myself stuck in the ebb stage.
To give, or not to give? That is the question. Not exactly the words Hamlet spoke in Shakespeare’s play, but they are powerful nonetheless. For some people, it’s not even a question—generosity...
Have you ever used the phrase, “What’s mine is yours!”? Typically, I say this to a friend when I invite them into my kitchen and let them eat from my fridge.