Have you ever participated in a relay race? One team member carries the baton for a marked distance, then hands it over to the next person who grabs it and runs their distance, then hands it to the...
You may agree that the world can seem quite dark when we look around at what is happening globally. We are confronted by it daily in media of all forms. What is God’s plan to deal with this...
Some of us are more comfortable with confrontation than others. No matter our comfort levels, there are times when confrontation is the most loving thing we can do for another person.
I got a promotion years ago. It was a big deal, but not big enough for me to stop being myself. I acutely remember attending my first meeting with a few leaders I had looked up to for a long time....
Growing up, on the last day of the year, my mom would gather us up in her room around 11:55 p.m. to pray in the new year. While the rest of the world was out and about partying or anticipating the...
The stories in the gospels always amaze me. Here you have this blind man named Bartimaeus on the side of the road wanting desperately to be healed.
Did you know that making good soil takes work? Gardening has become an intense hobby for me over the last few years, and I have learned that keeping the plants in a garden healthy requires the right...
We’ve all heard it said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And yet, this doesn’t keep many of us from pursuing lives that mirror ones from others we admire or worse, idolize.
Have you ever been a name-dropper? I am embarrassed to say I have. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, before knowing Jesus, meeting a celebrity or being related to someone accomplished in...