Our culture screams “get what you can.” The ads are targeted to us, strangely tied to the conversation we just had about the thing we “need.” The influences tell us what to buy, demonstrating...
How does money and all that comes with it—spending, saving, debt, budgeting—gives us a glimpse into the state of our hearts? Jesus shows us, it’s about more than money.
What happens when helping others becomes part of your identity? Or worse, what happens when you think the change in the world or in someone’s life solely relies on you?
Love people. Who knew such a short statement could open up so many questions, excuses, or justifications for our hearts? When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He replied,...
This past weekend, Dave Dummitt launched our series, We Are Willow, with a message called “Love God.” There are many ways we can show our love for God: by respecting ourselves, serving and...