Link to the Why Christians Are Often Seen As Hypocrites post

Why Christians Are Often Seen As Hypocrites

Jesus really, really does not like hypocrisy. His sharpest words in the New Testament were directed at hypocrites, calling them whitewashed tombs. Yikes! Yet news headlines today are filled with...
Link to the Your Work is Your Witness post

Your Work is Your Witness

Zuri changed my life that day. She gave me tough truths that changed my perspective about the importance of my attitude toward the quality of my work.  Proverbs 27:6 says, “Wounds from a friend...
Link to the How Easter Proves We Can Have Hope post

How Easter Proves We Can Have Hope

2000 years ago, Jesus literally gave His life to pay the price of all our wrongs and sin; for the darkness in our hearts. But three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. A literal, actual miracle of...
Link to the How A Global Serving Trip Can Change Your Life post

How A Global Serving Trip Can Change Your Life

Nick and Theresa Budmats have been going on global serving trips for decades, leading family teams and adult teams to Latin America and the Middle East. Their passion for the local church and building...
Link to the Outrage to Outreach post

Outrage to Outreach

When we look at the world around us and see the problems, injustice, brokenness, dysfunction, and evil, it is easy to get outraged or jump to judgment. We have a God-engrained desire for justice—we...
Link to the Loving Like God post

Loving Like God

At that moment, I realized God had put me on the stairs and was looking at me with a few people in my mind I could have thrown a suitcase at. I felt Him say, “Haley, do you love me? It hurts my...
Link to the What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? post

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

This article was written by Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practitioner, Nick Bellantuono, LCPC, CADC. Many people often ask; If I go to counseling,...