Link to the Kindness Blooms post

Kindness Blooms

During an in-service day as a middle school teacher in the city of Elgin, a gentleman spoke to us about students learning English as a second language. He described an assignment in which they were...
Link to the Love Your Enemy? post

Love Your Enemy?

I have someone in my life who is particularly difficult to be around. When we are in a private conversation, she will interrupt and talk over me or completely ignore what I say.
Link to the Holding A Grudge post

Holding A Grudge

One Sunday after church, my husband Dave, who always makes a pros and cons list and follows the rules and directions, turned and said, "Nancy, God's gonna ask us to do something soon that will change...
Link to the An Offering of Hallelujahs post

An Offering of Hallelujahs

“So I throw up my hands, And praise you again and again, ‘Cause all that I have is a hallelujah. And I know it’s not much, But I’ve nothing else fit for a King, Except for a heart singing...
Link to the But I Don’t Know What To Say post

But I Don’t Know What To Say

“They’ve got both doors covered.” I hate to admit it, but that’s the first thought I had at the grocery store the other day. There was no way for me to avoid the people asking for donations to...
Link to the A Different Kind Of Dinner Party post

A Different Kind Of Dinner Party

One of my favorite ways to look at Scripture is to ask the question, is this verse a fact (F), a command (C),, or a promise (P)? As I read, I’ll put a little letter next to the verse to help me...
Link to the Wisdom Of The Ages post

Wisdom Of The Ages

After a recent family gathering, my teenage daughter mentioned how much she enjoys sitting with the adults and listening to the stories we tell. She added that our stories are more interesting than...
Link to the Created In God’s Image post

Created In God’s Image

I gathered with my girlfriends, who know me inside and out. We love reading and sharing books in our beloved genre, historical fiction. They excitedly began sharing their latest reads and looked at...
Link to the A Big Impact Close To Home post

A Big Impact Close To Home

At a parent-teacher conference, I had a parent come to a humorous revolution. “He keeps saying he’s thinking in his brain,” the mom said. “What other kind of thinking is there?”