Link to the Look For The Well post

Look For The Well

There’s a big difference between vending machines and wells. The former gives you a variety of options. The latter offers one choice: take it or leave it. If you are in the mood for sugar and...
Link to the It’s A Comma, Not A Period post

It’s A Comma, Not A Period

Line up one hundred Christians and ask them, “What’s the worst sin?” You’ll get a lot of answers. Maybe we should get Steve Harvey to take a poll for Family Feud and find out which ones rise...
Link to the Pure Love post

Pure Love

My husband Scott died over three years ago. We were together for 42 years. I know I will see him in the next reality. I know he is with Jesus. I look forward to holding his hand and feeling his hugs...
Link to the Fidelity Is Essential post

Fidelity Is Essential

When studying Hebrews a while ago, I learned that the new Christ-followers were having difficulty maintaining their fidelity or faithfulness, to God. 
Link to the Can We Lose The Awe Of Intimacy? post

Can We Lose The Awe Of Intimacy?

Before we talk about creation and intimacy, I have an announcement: I became a grandfather this year. It’s a huge milestone for our family. But it’s also an eye-opener. The introduction of my...
Link to the Building Something New post

Building Something New

If you watched the Olympics this summer, you couldn’t help but fall in love with certain athletes, whether because of their personalities on the field, their unbelievable talents, or even a viral...
Link to the From Head To Toe post

From Head To Toe

The throng of men in suits loitering in front of a church in Dallas, Texas, made me feel uneasy. On a Sunday morning in April of 1987, I had decided to go to a church while on a business trip, but the...
Link to the Be Kind post

Be Kind

Last year, I needed a new lanyard for school so I went where everyone goes when they need something—Amazon. There was no lack of options. Plain lanyards. Sparkly ones. Options with well-known...
Link to the Doxology post


In first grade, a little girl brought tulips to our teacher. I noticed the teacher seemed to always call on this smartie-pie - but not so much. Puffy yellow flowers grew right in the grass near my...