I grew up in a single-parent home with my nine siblings, and I thought wishing my mother a “Happy Father’s Day” and skipping daddy-daughter dances was normal. It wasn’t until my early teenage...
The word “ordinary” seems to have a negative connotation in our culture. Who wants an ordinary meal at a restaurant? Or to go on an ordinary first date? We want to be wowed and blown away.
Why does God heal some people and not others? I don’t know. But what I do know is that we live in a broken world where suffering is common. Those who suffer often go to great lengths to stop, or at...
“Twenty years ago, we were praying for you.”
The words hit me like a ton of bricks, stinging my eyes, catching my breath, changing my perspective of my story forever.
"LOVE" was tattooed across the salesperson’s right hand fingers, while "HATE" mirrored on his left. He said, "I will get a radio for your new car—a few days’ wait.” Late-night driving without...
I grew up in Chicago and attended Catholic school for 12 years. The nuns taught us many valuable lessons that shaped me into the person I am today. However, from the artwork surrounding me, I only saw...
I was seven years old when my dad had his last drink and entered inpatient treatment. Through Alcoholics Anonymous and similar 12-step programs, he and countless others have climbed out of...