Link to the The Heart With Which We Come post

The Heart With Which We Come

Woody Allen said, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” I don’t exactly picture God laughing when we go to Him in prayer and pour our hearts out, but I do see Him smiling...
Link to the Get On Board post

Get On Board

This story has a lot going on, including a talking donkey! Yep, you read that right, a talking donkey.
Link to the Trust the Scale post

Trust the Scale

They say weighing yourself more often impacts your health. Personally, I don’t like getting up on a scale every day. I know what it’s going to tell me—the truth. On the other hand, part of me...
Link to the Rest and Restoration post

Rest and Restoration

How would it feel to know that your wealthier extended family would be required to help you get on your feet if you fell on hard times? Conversely, how would it feel to be obligated to help relatives...
Link to the Two Gardens post

Two Gardens

In a world where hustle is praised and grit is glorified, perhaps it’s not a coincidence that God commanded us to sabbath.
Link to the Sabbath – A Time To Just “Be” post

Sabbath – A Time To Just “Be”

God gave the Sabbath to us as one of the 10 commandments—it's right up there with not committing murder! But why is it so important to God that we experience Sabbath? 
Link to the Nevertheless, I Will… post

Nevertheless, I Will…

It’s hard for me to slow down, let alone stop, even when I know rest is in my best interest. For example, I almost always clean my plate at meals, though it would be better to save leftovers for...
Link to the Father Knows Best post

Father Knows Best

My dad, Bob, grew up in the Great Depression and loved to work but when Sundays rolled around, he rested because God told us to do so in the fourth Commandment. 
Link to the Pass the Baton post

Pass the Baton

Have you ever participated in a relay race? One team member carries the baton for a marked distance, then hands it over to the next person who grabs it and runs their distance, then hands it to the...