Link to the A Part, Not a Pinnacle post

A Part, Not a Pinnacle

As I write this, I’m sitting across from my husband while he receives his third infusion of chemotherapy.
Link to the Promises Fulfilled post

Promises Fulfilled

What did Mary, a teenager, feel when an old man, named Simeon, approached her in the temple courts in Jerusalem?
Link to the Do You Speak Jesus? post

Do You Speak Jesus?

Have you ever tried to learn a new language? It’s hard but possible. Starting today you can tackle 40+ languages using apps like Babbel, Duolingo, and Rosetta Stone.
Link to the His Pursuit post

His Pursuit

“What are you thankful for?” our team leader asked in a meeting. It’s a simple question, really, isn’t it?
Link to the Competence to Instruct post

Competence to Instruct

We were the early birds at our school. My friend was nicely put together, but I was not. Many a day, I came in with wet hair quickly scrunched in a ponytail.