Link to the Oh! What Joy! post

Oh! What Joy!

When was the last time you had a consuming, full-body, dizzying celebration? It’s not something we experience often in our culture, but when we do, we never forget it.
Link to the Heavenly Ragers post

Heavenly Ragers

If I were to describe my favorite earthly celebration, it would be the day I married my husband 28 years ago. We were surrounded by our loved ones and felt incredible gratitude that God brought us...
Link to the Living Generously, Generous Living post

Living Generously, Generous Living

Have you ever been stuck in a rut? Down in the dumps? Not feeling 100% yourself? Life tends to ebb and flow, and there have been times I have found myself stuck in the ebb stage.
Link to the How, Not How Much post

How, Not How Much

To give, or not to give? That is the question. Not exactly the words Hamlet spoke in Shakespeare’s play, but they are powerful nonetheless. For some people, it’s not even a question—generosity...
Link to the What’s Mine is Not Mine post

What’s Mine is Not Mine

Have you ever used the phrase, “What’s mine is yours!”? Typically, I say this to a friend when I invite them into my kitchen and let them eat from my fridge.
Link to the Sign Up, Show Up post

Sign Up, Show Up

Our church is known for generously signing up and showing up to join God’s work in the world near and far.
Link to the Grow in Giving post

Grow in Giving

God is an excellent and generous giver, and as His followers, we want to be giving people too. We give in many ways, and often, we don’t even think we are giving!
Link to the Overflowing Joy post

Overflowing Joy

Today is the first of six devotionals on passages from chapters eight and nine in 2 Corinthians. In these chapters, Paul encourages the Corinthians to follow through on their previous commitment to...
Link to the A Glorious and Confusing Problem post

A Glorious and Confusing Problem

On my son’s first Christmas after he could walk—the year that gift-giving holidays became fun as a parent—he received gifts from what seemed like every person that had ever interacted with...