The text messages went back and forth between the five of us old college friends. We hadn’t all been together since we graduated more than 20 years ago, but here we were, planning a reunion. As the...
I have vivid memories of feeling inferior to my peers as a kid. My single mom did her best, but living in an apartment in a wealthy town can be rough. I never felt cool enough, rich enough, or popular...
When I was 12 years old, I remember church meetings because I could attend with my parents as a newly baptized church member. Excited to be included was an understatement.
Have you stopped noticing breaking news? Certainly, he stream of clickbait headlines, sensationalism, and media wars are endlessly annoying. Every channel works its angle. Every source sounds biased....
I am admittedly a recovering “news junkie”, having been schooled by my father, who read the Daily News cover to cover all of my childhood. My dad had an imaginary “Do not disturb until dinner”...
As I reflect on today’s verse, one of my favorite books comes to mind. The Shack by William Paul Young follows Mackenzie “Mack” Allen Phillip, who grapples with his faith after a family tragedy....
I flew to Namibia on an airplane with the latest in camera technology. While there, I was honored with the opportunity to take photos in a Himba village that was minimally changed by the modern world....
I have learned over the years that it is best to promptly confess my sins to God. It is not that He keeps score. Rather, I can feel the break in unity with His Spirit, and if I let it go on for a...
Jacob had wronged Esau twice. Genesis 25:29-31 says, “Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished. He said to Jacob, ‘Quick, let me have some of that red...