I confess that I often forget to pray. I get so busy doing work, spending time with my family and friends, and focusing on the next task that I think back on my day and realize I never dedicated time...
When I was nine, my thirteen-year-old brother asked, "Can you do this?" as he gathered a couple stones from the shore. With a side-arm fling, he pitched a smooth, thin oval stone. It skipped across...
If you have ever been part of a traditional church, chances are you know the Lord’s prayer by heart. Like me, you have probably recited it mindlessly. Maybe it even felt like a chore.
When I was 12 years old, I held a Bible in my hand and prayed what I would later call a bold prayer. I said, “God, if you are real, I need you to show yourself to me. Anyone can write a book.”
How many of you remember where you were standing when you got horrific news? Always the early bird, I stood near the school fence after lunch when some boys pushed in front of me, "Did you hear?”
The devil is good at lying. He doesn’t just lie for the sake of speaking untruths, but He cuts to our core, feeding us garbage about who we are. Satan has told me I’m unlovable and alone.