Link to the Wonder Is Better Than Wrath post

Wonder Is Better Than Wrath

Anger is a healthy and powerful emotion. It shows up to protect us when we’re in danger. It stirs us to action in the face of injustice. So why does anger turn sour so quickly?
Link to the Face to Face post

Face to Face

The groundhog didn’t see his shadow on February 2. While I welcome the “early Spring” weather this year with arms wide open, the result of the warmer temps has made for a foggy start to 2024.
Link to the Let It Go post

Let It Go

For several years, I have been on a journey to better deal with my undesirable emotions. I am learning not to fear them but to think of them as teachers.
Link to the Yup, I Blew It post

Yup, I Blew It

Shame was once my constant companion because I believed it would help me become a better person. I would obsess over my mistakes, trying to see what was wrong with me so I could fix it.
Link to the The Suffering King post

The Suffering King

In today’s Scripture, the Holy Spirit had spoken to Isaiah and told him all that was to come. This passage is what we would call a Messianic Prophecy, meaning that it foretold the eventual arrival...
Link to the No Shame post

No Shame

Tears running down my face, I held my head low and wondered what was wrong with me. Of all the kids on the school bus, what made me stand out? I wasn’t one of the pretty girls, and I knew I didn’t...
Link to the Where Does Grief Go? post

Where Does Grief Go?

It’s painful to experience a loss. The loss of a job. The loss of health. The loss of a loved one. These and so many other losses are hard to stomach.
Link to the Comfort, Oh Comfort! post

Comfort, Oh Comfort!

My favorite quote of 2024 so far, comes from Christine Caine during her talk at this year’s Passion conference. She said something along these lines, “God wants to deliver you through your...
Link to the Oh, God! Help Me! post

Oh, God! Help Me!

During our drive home on a narrow, two-lane highway, my wife and a friend chatted between the passenger seat and the back seat. As we began a downhill stretch, I made a move into the opposite lane to...