Link to the Chinese Wontons and Worship post

Chinese Wontons and Worship

Last fall, our entire church experienced the fun and richness of community through food from around the world at the World Food Fair.
Link to the Pay Taxes? post

Pay Taxes?

My personality prefers binaries—black or white, right or wrong, true or false. Over the years, I have prayed that God would help me understand and see the gray—including the beauty that often...
Link to the You Have a Destiny post

You Have a Destiny

Last summer, I sensed that God was getting ready to do something huge in my life. In anticipation, I ended the lease on my place, put all my things in storage, and waited for God to say, “Go.”
Link to the Seeing Others As Christ Does post

Seeing Others As Christ Does

At Willow, part of our DNA is our heart for compassion and justice. Most people relate to the concept of compassion and have little hesitancy in advocating for the compassionate treatment of others.
Link to the Does Salvation Include Our Bodies? post

Does Salvation Include Our Bodies?

In Monday’s devotional, we discussed how following God is less about making sure we get to heaven when we die and more about representing God on the earth now. Today, we’re picking up this...
Link to the The Earth And All Things In It post

The Earth And All Things In It

From the beginning, humans were created to live and thrive in nature. Adam and Eve were birthed in a garden, charged with its care and tending and given safety and provision in return.
Link to the The Last Will Be What? post

The Last Will Be What?

When I read a section of Scripture that is hard to comprehend at first glance, I often ask, “What happened just before this?”
Link to the What’s The Point Of Following God? post

What’s The Point Of Following God?

For a long time, I was convinced that being a Christian was all about making sure I could get to Heaven someday. Every once in a while, I would re-pray the prayer to make sure I was still “in".
Link to the Where Do You Want To Go? post

Where Do You Want To Go?

Spiritual life boils down to one question: “Where do you want to go?” This is oversimplified, but why overcomplicate things?