Link to the Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing post

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Have you ever known anyone you would describe as a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Do you remember how they made you feel? What they said or did to you to help you realize their character doesn’t match...
Link to the From the Heart, the Mouth Speaks post

From the Heart, the Mouth Speaks

The other day, my best friend asked, "Do these pants look okay?" I thought they looked horrendous because of the shoes he insisted on wearing daily. But I said, "Yep, honey, they're okay."
Link to the Let Your “Yes” Be “Yes” post

Let Your “Yes” Be “Yes”

My 7-year-old granddaughter asked me to come to her house in Florida for her birthday in March and stay overnight. Touched, I said, “I will be there.” She looked me in the eye, held out her little...
Link to the Walk Wisely In The Dark post

Walk Wisely In The Dark

Have you ever been in the dark? I mean, really in the dark? I once toured an underground cavern. Our guide led us down a narrow, steep spiral staircase deep inside the rock. She explained all kinds of...
Link to the Pray Continually post

Pray Continually

Since I have retired, I have traveled  extensively and because I am alone, I regularly pray to hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance to make wise decisions. He is so delightfully gracious! 
Link to the Closer Than It Appears post

Closer Than It Appears

I’ve gazed out of a lot of passenger windows. When I was a kid, I started being curious about a statement on the side-view mirror. You’ve seen it: “Objects in mirror are closer than they...
Link to the Help Me Pray post

Help Me Pray

At times, my prayers feel like I am reciting a grocery list. I confidently reel off items without making room for God's input. In contrast, one of my most impactful experiences came when I had no idea...
Link to the A Powerful Weapon post

A Powerful Weapon

In the 2015 Christian movie War Room, there is a character named Miss Clara—an older, wiser woman who introduces one of the main characters struggling with her marriage to what she calls her “war...
Link to the Rediscover Rhythm and Routine post

Rediscover Rhythm and Routine

When was the last time you reminded yourself to breathe? You inhale and exhale all the time. It happens naturally, by design, because your Designer intended it that way.