Fidelity Is Essential

Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | September 25, 2024

Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 
Hebrews 10:25

When studying Hebrews a while ago, I learned that the new Christ-followers were having difficulty maintaining their fidelity or faithfulness, to God. 

As I was standing by the grill on my deck, trying to make sure the chicken wouldn’t go above 165 degrees, I looked at the withered and gone-to-seed cilantro pot I was responsible for at the beginning of the summer; I sighed. God expects my fidelity to Him, my husband, family, friends, and church, but I couldn’t even keep my cilantro healthy. At least I got my chicken off the grill in a timely way—that time. 

As you read this, fall is underway. I write this in the summer, my most dangerous season. “Why is that?” you might ask. Because I hang pretty loose in summer. Our scripture today gives a hint of why summer is dangerous for me—it’s because I drift. 

The scripture says, “Don’t neglect meeting together.” I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, though; I can’t stand it when I can’t worship God at our church on a Sunday. Then why is summer so rough on me if I’m still at church?

It’s because my small groups meet differently in the warmer months. We meet for fun, not study. I need their love and wisdom, and yes, I need to confess my sins to them. That is how deep our love goes. Today’s verse also says that we need to encourage one another. My small groups do this for me, but I cannot sustain my growth when I neglect deep dives into scripture.

Yesterday, I picked two cucumbers from our garden. They were the same shape and color, but I tasted both because I was serving them to guests with the chicken I mentioned earlier. One was bitter, and the other was as sweet as a cucumber can get. I had no idea why, so I googled it. Turns out the watering process has a lot to do with it. 

I—we must water our hearts daily by reading scripture, praying, and growing our roots strong and healthy. I might also add worshiping, united in Christ Jesus, the Savior of our world, is also essential.  

Next Steps

Read and meditate on Hebrews 10. The Bible says that we should write scripture on our hearts. How will you accomplish this in your life? If you haven’t tried Scripture memorization before, maybe now is a good time to do so. Another way is to dive into the Bible in community. Consider joining a Willow group today.