Jehovah Jirah
Marcia Ollie | February 20, 2023

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13
Many years ago, my husband and I had a pretty meager existence. We had low-paying jobs, graduate school and college debt—I’m pretty sure many of us have been in this place at some point in our lives. Dinners out were rare, and I drove a car with the ceiling hanging down on my head. During this time, we learned how to be content with the little that we had. We were in love, newly married and had each other! We were serving the Lord at work and church, and He provided everything we needed. Not everything we wanted, but everything that we needed.
Many years have passed, and we’re more comfortable now. God has continued to impress upon us to hold lightly to our possessions and finances and be content only in Him. Through the years, we have been able to give to others in need—a car, a washer and dryer, furniture, and money. I don’t say that for accolades or a pat on the back but to demonstrate that because we are content with what God has given us, we have the freedom to bless others!
No matter what your current financial situation is, Paul tells us in Philippians that with God’s strength, we can be content. When we trust in Him, He provides our every need (Luke 12:6; Psalm 23). When He gives us an abundance, and we rely on God’s strength, we can be generous to others. If we don’t rely on Him, we will forever be wanting the next best thing, and nothing will ever be enough to satisfy.
One of my favorite worship songs over the last couple of years is Jireh, by Maverick City Music. Jehovah Jireh is one of the many names for God, and it literally means “God will provide.” The chorus says:
Jireh, You are enough.
I will be content, in every circumstance,
You are Jireh, You are enough.
Our only true contentment will ever come from God.
Next Steps
- Read the verses referenced above—Luke 12:6 and Psalm 23. Reflect on how God has provided for you, or cry out and pray these words if you are in need right now.
- Listen to Jireh and meditate on the lyrics.
- Thank God for the many ways He has provided for you and pray for contentment, whatever your situation is.