Veronica Burlock, Worship Pastor, Wheaton | March 24, 2025

But Ruth said, “do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
Ruth 1:16-17
The four chapters that make up the book of Ruth are jam-packed with lessons. It’s a story of family, patience, and loss. It is about waiting on God and the rewards you can receive from waiting. It is a story of love, loyalty, and leadership.
The book of Ruth opens on Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, living in Moab. They had two sons, but in just a few short verses, we learn that Elimelech and the sons die, leaving Naomi and her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, all widowed in a foreign land. Naomi encourages the women to return home since she cannot care for them, and she will head to Judah to live out her days as a widow. Neither of her daughters wanted to leave her, but eventually, one did. Ruth did the unthinkable and decided to stay, telling Naomi, “Your people will be my people, and your God my God.”
Naomi lived in a land of famine, and she experienced great loss. Still, she never lost God—even in her bitterness (Ruth 1:20). I wonder, what made Ruth stay with this woman who calls herself “bitter”? Could it be that up until that point, Ruth saw Naomi living a life committed to God? Even in the hardships, perhaps Ruth experienced God through watching Naomi’s life. Could it be that Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law because she knew her God was with them? When Naomi chose the welfare of her daughters-in-law, did that compel Ruth to want to cling to her?
Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” The Lord will work in you and help you if you just stay close to Him. Naomi lost everything, but she didn’t lose God, and God definitely didn’t lose her. Ruth watched Naomi live for the Lord, and Ruth followed in her footsteps. Ruth 3:11 says, “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask, for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman.” These are Boaz’s words to Ruth. Ruth was now known throughout the town as a “worthy woman.” This speaks to how Ruth lived her life. Do you see the pattern?
We are not leaders because we have a title or position. We are leaders simply by the way we live our lives. How we make decisions, handle difficult situations, and treat others indicates whether we’re leaders. I bet Naomi’s faithfulness influenced Ruth. We know that Ruth’s integrity spoke volumes to the whole town, including her kinsman redeemer, Boaz. Leadership is highly influential, and you are leading if you are living, so lead well.
Next Steps
Take some time to reflect on your influence. Pray, asking God to show you every space in your life where you have influence, and ask Him to lead you in how to steward that well.