Here I Am, Send Me
Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | March 21, 2025

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8
For most of my life, part of today’s verse has been written in my brain. “Here am I. Send me.” I must have heard and loved it after singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” in Bible school. I aimed to be a Jesus soldier. I repeated it before relay races at my Awana club. I also remembered this same verse when I decided to become a missionary on a Friday at church camp.
I kept the dream in my heart for years despite the naysayers. Finally, college became a reality, and I was convinced I would meet people encouraging me in my quest.
If we examine Isaiah’s context, we find that he had a vision that God asked him to share. In this prophecy, Isaiah realized how flawed and unworthy he and Israel were. God then purified him with burning coal and told Isaiah he was now worthy (Isaiah 6: 6-7). Isaiah delivered the message that Israel must change their wicked ways and return to God.
Israel didn’t listen and turn from their sin. Although they were attacked, this didn’t stop Isaiah from believing in God’s prophecy and having faith in God’s overall plan of redeeming the world through our Savior’s death on the cross, which is also foreshadowed in these verses and many others in Isaiah.
Do you believe in God’s plan that Isaiah foretold?
I never stopped believing I would become a missionary to share that plan. I attended college with two dreams:
- God would make me into a missionary
- I would find a cute, athletic, devoted Christ-follower who would go to Kenya with me to serve God and people.
I didn’t exactly find a guy who wanted to pursue the Kenyan missionary dream. He had a plan, too: He wanted to work in publishing with a fallback plan of teaching and coaching. But for forty years, our mission field became public education.
Our dreams and focus haven’t shifted very much in retirement. We are committed to teaching, coaching, and loving our small groups and working in the Care Center.
Our primary mission will always be to “Love God, Love People, and Change the World”!
Next Steps
Pray about how God wants you to serve Him. Will you stay on His mission, no matter what career you have chosen?
Perhaps God is asking you to volunteer at Willow, contribute to the Celebration of Hope fund, or serve on a Global trip.