Excellent Advice
Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | February 25, 2025

Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
it is attained in the way of righteousness.
Proverbs 16:31
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
Our culture is obsessed with the idea that we can halt the signs of aging. The other day, my younger sister said, “You need to cut your hair. It will make you look so much younger. And while you’re at it, you need to get some lessons in using a pencil to darken your eyebrows and fill in the sparse areas.”
I followed my sister’s advice and got my hair cut, but I don’t feel any younger. It makes me wonder why I feel the need to even try.
The Bible tells us that old age is not something to be ashamed of—in fact, it says the opposite. Today’s Scripture says, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness” (Prov. 16:31). Gray hair can be a marker of a long life, and it means one has had more time to grow in righteousness and wisdom.
So, I need more advice from God on how to grow older more gracefully. How can I become more righteous, loving, and wise?
It seems Proverbs 31:30 has something to say to that question as it warns against placing my value in charm and beauty— both are fleeting. And honestly, I agree this is undoubtedly true; time zips by. So yes, it is imperative that we all know that we have a finite time to serve the Lord and that all of our days are numbered Psalm 90:12. Therefore, we should be wise about how we spend our time. And for me, in part, this means I should stop wasting my time obsessing about the aging process.
In this verse in Proverbs, I used to cringe a bit when I read the word “fears” but that’s because I didn’t understand what it meant. In these passages, fear doesn’t mean afraid in the sense of being scared. Biblical scholars agree that it’s more accurate to think about how we must take God seriously, listen to Him, revere Him, trust in Him, and be in awe of Him and His good advice. So, what is greater than beauty? A healthy trust in God. And that is how one grows old gracefully.
As I’ve grown older inch by inch, I like to say I’m becoming! He is growing my heart, and some might even say I’m a tiny bit wiser.
Next Steps
Are you taking God seriously? This Biblical wisdom encourages me to pray more, learn more, and listen intently to hear God’s nudges of love so that I may be better equipped to serve Him in our world.
God advises wisely in Proverbs and through all of Scripture. Take the time to research God’s covenant promises—which He always keeps! Two of my favorites are Jeremiah 31:34 and John 3:16.