Love It Loud
Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | January 7, 2025
My mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendor all day long.
Psalm 71:8
My husband often drives my cute little car when we go anywhere. I know the routine well. He turns on the car and starts backing down the drive. My lovely tunes begin to play, and his finger springs into action to turn them off. I sigh, and I know why. I love my worship music, but I love it loud, and Dave doesn’t. In the summer, I open the sunroof and most likely annoy everyone as I go my merry way.
Today’s verse is so exciting to write about until I read the next verse. It says, “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.” Hold on here— is David, the author, worried about getting old? Theologians estimate his age to be somewhere in his sixties when he wrote this. But just in the previous line he seemed to be praising God.
I’m in my sixties and decided to read more of this for better context. David begins the psalm by pouring his heart out to God, who has known him through his giant-slaying years and all his times of turning away. In verses 1- 7, he pleads for God to get him out of his mess and free him from those who plot against him. This song—prayer—is laced with a certain amount of fear, but the refrain throughout the psalm recounts God’s goodness.
I’m struck by the fact that I can simultaneously hold lament and praise in both hands as I offer tears and joy to my Savior. He gets it. He gets me. Worship does not always have to be happy, clappy, Nancy! As I get older, I’m not embarrassed by my tears during worship at Willow.
Have you ever noticed how praising God can lift your mood? Even through tears, it’s as if they are washing our souls with joy. I wonder, how would our lives be different if our mouths were continually filled with praise—even if the volume on the car stereo isn’t that high.
Next Steps
Worship in the sense of praise and song isn’t always easy. If you’re in a season where worship feels difficult, set aside some time to listen to this song.
Worship is a Rooted rhythm. If you have never been through Rooted, consider joining a Rooted or small group today.