Hurry Up and Wait!
Kristyn Berry, Volunteer Writer, Crystal Lake | December 30, 2024

Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.”
Genesis 15:13-14
While at dinner with a friend the other night, we started reflecting on another year, which seemingly blew right past us. As our conversation grew deeper, we found ourselves talking about God’s timing. My friend had recently attended a funeral for her friend’s dad. In the many accounts of his faith in God, one thing he had always been sure of was that God’s timing was always perfect. No matter the trial or the tribulation—and he had his fair share—his faith that God would work it out was infallible. He would often quote Job’s story and share his faith in knowing that whatever he was facing, God was going to carry him through it. We both agreed the testimonies she heard were a beautiful testament to a life well lived.
As Christians, a facet of our faith is to trust in God’s divine timing. But sometimes, that is easier said than done. This past year, a lot of my prayers have gone unanswered. Some days my mind reels: “Am I praying the right way? Am I missing something? How long does He intend for me to stay in the struggle?” Maybe you can relate? Have you found yourself asking these questions in your times of struggle, too?
The passage today, and the divinely timed conversation with my friend, reminded me that we will experience struggles at one point or another. Sometimes, the struggles can last for a few moments, and sometimes, like in Abraham’s story in our passage today, they can last 400 years. Okay, not literally that long, but it may seem like it!
When we dig deeper into the stories of Abraham, Job, Joseph, and even Jesus, they share their struggles and lean on their loved ones for support. They use their challenges as testimonies that God will make sure they end up on the right side of the story. God is by our side through each moment of our struggle, and when we remain faithful, He shows us the way and how His perfect plan was meant to prosper us all along.
When I look back at all that I have learned while waiting for God to work through my prayers, I have learned that patience is a practice and helps build strong character. I have learned to pray continuously and be steadfast in my faith that God will work it out for the best. Lastly, I learned if it’s not good, then God’s not done with it yet.
Next Steps
Pray this prayer with me today:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You today with a faithful and grateful heart. In this time of uncertainty and hardship, Your promise to prosper me remains steadfast. Help me to remember that You see the big picture and have mapped it out for me. I only need to follow and have faith in Your guidance. I pray for patience, strength, and wisdom to navigate these challenges according to Your will. Thank you for walking beside me toward a brighter future. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.