Closer Than It Appears

Dan Lovaglia, Camp Pastor, Camp Paradise  | October 10, 2024

Glory in his holy name;
    let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
    seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:10-11

I’ve gazed out of a lot of passenger windows. When I was a kid, I started being curious about a statement on the side-view mirror. You’ve seen it: “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” I’m not sure why this stood out then, but I still think about it often and on a deeper level.

To me, there’s value in paying attention and responding to whatever God uses to stir your heart—whether it’s a divine event or an inanimate object. When I look in a mirror, I recall the past, prepare for the future, and settle into what’s present. I recount where I’ve sought after God, how He’s shown up, and why my heart is grateful for His faithfulness. This practice is a dimension of what prayer is all about and what 1 Chronicles 16:10-11 points us toward.

Right after King David had the Ark of the Covenant returned to Jerusalem, he instructed God’s people to remember and rejoice. In a way, David reminded them that who Yahweh is, where He could be found, and what He had done was in the mirror and closer than it appeared. He exhorted them to praise the Lord, to honor Him because He’s faithful—He always has been, always will be, and is today.

Prayer is a practice that provides space to express gratitude to God for all we see behind us in the mirror as we travel the road ahead. We can praise Him for being holy. We can thank Him for His provision and protection. We can seek Him as we take one step forward by faith day in and day out. In prayer, our stirred hearts can claim, or reclaim, our gratitude to God with joy.

You and I can’t predict what we’ll face in the future, but we can rely on how God has shown up personally and mightily without fail. Prayer is an invaluable extension that reflects what has been and what is bubbling up in our hearts. When God’s presence and power come our way, we can’t help but notice and rejoice. Today, look in a side-view mirror and praise God with a prayer of gratitude. The Lord’s faithfulness is closer than it appears.

Next Steps

If you didn’t know, Psalms often aligns with Chronicles. Take today’s devotion deeper by reading Psalm 105:1-5, or the whole chapter, and then look in your life’s side-view mirror. 

What divine trait has God shown you along the way (holiness, grace, peace, faithfulness, etc.)? When have you sought His face and found Him? Where has He brought His strength to you? Pray a prayer of gratitude in response.