Jesus’s Name, Not Mine
Jenna Brooke Carlson, Volunteer Writer, Huntley | August 7, 2024

When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? . . . By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.
Acts 3:12, 16
I desperately wanted to see my name on the front of a book. As a teenager, I doodled in notebooks during class, practicing my signature. Should the first letter be round and loopy or tall and thin? Should I include my middle name? Last name? Both?
Why was I so determined to craft the perfect autograph? Because it represented ME. When I signed a book, it would emphasize that I created it. People would line up inside bookstores, and I’d sit at a table with a fancy pen, inscribing one novel after another with my name.
Later on, I did get my name on the front of a book, but my signature has mattered a lot less than I pridefully wanted it to as a teenager. My writing is more about God’s name than my own. Throughout my writing journey, I’ve learned a lot from Christian mentors. I’ve watched them pray over projects and the tender hearts of the human vessels God has enlisted for his plans.
Writing is hard—not only in craft and ability but also emotionally and spiritually. Being in writing communities showed me that carrying out God’s plans is hard for everyone, but we don’t give up because God gave us a message to put out into the world—a message others need to hear.
When I was younger, I practiced my signature, dreaming of the future popularity of my name. That hasn’t happened, and it may never happen, but that’s okay. Jesus’ name is the only one that really matters. When my words fail, Jesus meets me on the page. When the negative feedback comes in, Jesus reminds me I am his cherished child. When I feel like I can’t keep going, Jesus comes alongside me to finish the project he’s put on my heart.
We can’t accomplish God’s plans without him. We need His encouragement, strength, and wisdom to further his message in our world. And we can’t give up because our broken world needs Jesus.
Next Steps
- Think back on your past achievements. Where have you seen God’s hand? Spend time in prayer thanking him for his intervention.
- Read Acts 3:17-26. How does the healing of the lame beggar point the Israelites toward Jesus?