God Wins
Lindsey Zarob, Content Manager, Central Ministries | July 31, 2024

And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 20:10
The incessant voice in my head needed to be silenced, but I didn’t know if it ever would be. I thought I was just a second-rate Christian who would always feel less than. I had finally surrendered my whole life to Jesus, and boy, were there some drastic markers showcasing this surrender. I traded late nights at the bar for late nights at church or in my living room with a small group. The colorful language that used to be second nature suddenly diminished. The outward markers that something had indeed changed were indisputable. And yet, that voice in my head persisted.
It took me some time to realize what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 about taking our thoughts captive. And if I am honest, as I journey with God on this side of eternity, behavioral changes often feel more easily attainable than taking my thoughts captive. I think there are a few reasons for this, but one major reason is Satan. He comes by many names: Accuser, Slanderer, Traitor, and Adversary. The one I have had to fight against most is Liar. There isn’t enough room in this devotional space to unpack that dreadful mixture of our own sin-nature and Satan’s attacks on us, but one thing is for certain: he is the liar of all liars—and one of the best places to attack us is in our minds.
Why? Because it’s easier to look the part than be transformed in our minds. We can show up to all the right things, like church on Sunday. We can do all the right things, like volunteer for the PTA or as a small group leader. We can say all the right things, you know, nothing that will get you canceled. But inside, our minds are reeling because the lies of the enemy attack us there without discrimination.
And yet, today’s verse declares that one day he will be silenced, and the victory that was won on the cross with Jesus’ resurrection will come to complete fruition, and God wins! Can you imagine a day when the enemy’s lies will be extinguished for good, and all we will ever hear in our heads is true, noble, lovely and admirable things (Phil. 4:8)?
Until then, we take our thoughts captive and invite others to help. There is still a voice that rears his vicious lying thoughts into my head, but with continual practice, taking my thoughts captive becomes a stronger muscle that only continues to grow in strength as I do so. And one day, I won’t need that muscle at all—and neither will you!
Next Steps
Is there a voice in your head beckoning you to believe lies? Take the time to write those lies down. Then head to your Bible (or Google) and find the verses that speak the truth. Share what you’ve found with a trusted friend and pray together to take your thoughts captive.