To Crave
Nancy Hatcher, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | May 16, 2024

One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4
I love words and adopt a favorite almost monthly. My latest word is crave. I almost always crave food. My top choice lately is pretzels with peanut butter stuck in the middle. Yesterday, I craved my youngest grandbaby’s very kissable chubby cheek. I miss him so much.
King David talks about his craving for one thing in today’s passage. “Only one thing?” Did you read the passage today? In this psalm, David craves living in the Lord’s home his whole life—thinking about His goodness and studying and learning with Him.
Do you crave Jesus?
I remember being on the fast treadmill of waking up at 4 a.m. and sitting for a few minutes, praying as the coffee brewed and my littles finished their sleep. Then navigating the young one’s dressing and eating, and praying that everyone’s homework is done and zipped in their backpacks because the night before, I forgot to check. This was my life twenty years ago.
But God.
Even back then, in my too-busy life, I craved Jesus, and God continued to woo my heart and love me for who I was, right where I was. My relationship flourished only because He didn’t mind talking with me in the shower, when I blew my hair dry, and in the school pick-up line. He spoke to me in whispers and sometimes roared in painful circumstances. He meshed my heart with His in moments of communion and those “dark nights of my soul” when I felt my heart breaking into tiny sharp pieces.
Yes, I craved Jesus in my yesterdays and today even more than ever. I see, taste, touch, and smell his goodness and love daily. He also tells me when I mess up. Then I ask Him to forgive me—again. And best of all, he talks to me about how I am becoming more like Him because sometimes I can’t see it myself. He knows that I crave that my rough edges are being made smooth by the Holy Spirit.
This hand-in-hand walk can begin right here, right now, for you, too. If you don’t know Jesus, you can choose to accept Him as your Savior and tell Him you believe. (John 3:16) It is that simple.
Next Steps
Today, I pray that you crave the best thing—this person named Jesus. Make church a regular habit, join a Rooted or another small group, read or listen to the Bible daily, and talk to Jesus often throughout your day.