Resonant Joy
Dan Lovaglia, Camp Pastor, Camp Paradise | March 6, 2024

Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
What kind of music moves you? Is there a particular song, artist, or genre that speaks to you? I love all kinds of rhythms and tempos, but the blues always grips me. How can sorrowful lyrics bring a smile to my face and a spring to my step? Why does this soulful music draw me in whether I’m happy or sad? The best I can tell, I’m wired for resonant joy (and so are you).
Psalm 37 gives God’s people guidance for living wisely in an unwise world. There’s good all around, but there’s evil too. And it’s enticing to envy foolishness rather than walk faithfully with the Lord. This Psalm calls us to trust and take delight in Him when we’re tempted to turn our backs on Him (v. 1-4). Of course, this is more easily said than done if we’re serious about aligning our hearts with God’s.
Like singing the blues, we’re invited to take delight—to be refreshed, to take pleasure—in the Lord no matter what we face or feel. When we do, joy follows. In fact, it’s one of the heart’s deepest longings. When you and I seek God’s face for truth, strength, wisdom, and direction, He will plant and grow joy that resonates with His Spirit. What we care about will change. What we commit to will change. And what we hope for in this world will change.
Resonant joy is an inner disposition that happens when we’re in tune with our heavenly Father. And resonant joy can affect the world around us in ways we can’t explain but it truly reflects God’s ways and desires. You may not literally sing along or sway to the music, but the godly joy you emanate will be evidence of taking delight in the Lord.
Next Steps
Today, how can you take a step to resonate with God’s contagious joy? Is there a song you enjoy that points you in this direction? Play it on repeat. Is there someone in your life that always lifts your spirits? Reach out to connect. The Lord wants you and me to discover resonant joy so that He can transform us and the world we live in. Let’s take a bold step toward Him and His ways together.