Comfort, Oh Comfort!
Veronica Burlock, Worship Pastor, Wheaton | March 14, 2024

The Lord comforts His people as He redeems and saves them.
Isaiah 49:13
My favorite quote of 2024 so far, comes from Christine Caine during her talk at this year’s Passion conference. She said something along these lines, “God wants to deliver you through your situation, not deliver you from it. Rarely does he deliver you from it. He wants to be with you and deliver you through it.”
She was teaching about the children of Israel during a time when God sent Isaiah to prophesy about what was to come. He was reporting to the Israelites what God was revealing to him. When you read about the Israelites’ story in Exodus, you will find God delivering them through. After God used Moses to part the Red Sea, they had to travel through it. Exodus 13:22 says, “The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night never left its place in front of the people.” The Lord was with them the entire time, as the pillar of cloud in the daytime and the pillar of fire at night as they walked through to the other side.
Isaiah reminds them that God is still in the business of redeeming, saving and comforting his people. It is also here for us to remember that we serve a God who is able to save, rescue, redeem, deliver, heal, transform, resurrect, comfort and encourage us in our time of need.
Isaiah 40:1 says, “Comfort, comfort my people, says the Lord.” Isn’t it reassuring to know that the God who spoke the universe into existence is also speaking comfort over anyone who needs it? Do you need comfort today? Right now? The fastest way to comfort is to get in God’s word. So crack open your Bible and read God’s truth over yourself. Renew your mind (Romans 12:2). Cleanse your thoughts. Paul tells us “Set your minds on things above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2). The fastest way to comfort is God.
Next Steps
Are you in a situation right now that, if you’re honest, you would prefer to be delivered from? Ask God to show you where He is in the midst of it as you journey through it. He is with you. Sometimes we just need Him to help us see exactly where.