Keep Your Dream in Check
Dan Lovaglia, Camp Pastor, Camp Paradise | February 9, 2024

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:17-18
You have probably run into someone who knows God’s divine dream for their life. And you’ve likely met someone who is emphatic that His dream for their life is or should be God’s divine dream for your life too. Personally, I have a hard enough time figuring out where the Lord is leading me, let alone where He’s directing you. I’ve experienced the dangers of others letting their genuinely God-given visions spill out into the body of Christ and the world in destructive ways. As we move forward as disciples, it’s important to align with God’s word, to be “peacemakers who sow in peace” not conflict.
We’ve spent the past month as a church learning from the life of Joseph. We’ve also dug into how God gives His people divine dreams so that His glory and Kingdom purposes prevail. (Revisit the four-week series here.) Discovering and pursuing a God-given vision can be exhilarating for followers of Jesus. This discernment process can also be daunting and confusing at times, but it’s so rewarding to figure out where the Lord is leading you—toward a profession, cause, community, or even deeper faith. I hope the Holy Spirit has helped you make progress over the past several weeks, but here’s a word of caution that we don’t want to forget to share: Keep your dream in check.
In James 3:13-18, Scripture makes it clear that the world’s wisdom is inherently ungodly, but God’s wisdom is superior in every way. You will be able to recognize righteousness by its good fruit: goodness, humility, purity, peacefulness, consideration, submission, mercifulness, impartiality, and sincerity. James says there’s a way to do this in a manner distinctly marked by peace—not self-centeredness, competition, or division.
That’s a lot to wade through, but here’s the point and why it’s important to keep your dream in check: Pursuing and stewarding your divine dream is about honoring God every step of the way without discounting the purposeful direction He gives others. Our prayer as a church is that our collective capacity to love God, love people, and change the world as we follow Jesus will expand this year. Your divine dream, mine, and everyone else’s is part of a bigger story that God is unfolding. Let’s be God’s peacemakers who sow in peace, so we will reap a harvest of righteousness together as His Kingdom-builders.
Next Steps
How has the Divine Dreams series helped you grow in clarity about God’s direction for you in this next season? Who has affirmed or challenged you in this process? Talk with your small group or serving leader for additional guidance and support.