Wise Counselor
Kerri Ash, Volunteer Writer,South Barrington | January 31, 2024

Listen well to wise counsel and be willing to learn from correction so that by the end of your life you’ll be known for your wisdom.
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”
John 14:26 CSB
If you asked me, it was my dream vehicle. I had planned for us to order it brand new from the factory with all the bells and whistles. It was a little out of our young family’s budget, but if we leased it, the payments could work.
My husband was more than uncomfortable and expressed that it wasn’t wise—and honestly, my gut instinct screamed the same thing. I ignored my gut and instead researched and hyper-focused on all the reasons my head could come up with as to how we could make it work. I then proceeded to talk about them non-stop to anyone who would listen. My incessant chatter finally wore my husband down, and we ordered it.
Well, my “gut” and my husband were right. After a couple of years, we learned that the overall lease situation was not in our favor, plus the car began breaking down and needing expensive repairs much sooner than we expected. We ended up having to purchase a new vehicle even before this one was paid off. It was an expensive lesson, but what my Heavenly Father taught me through this experience was invaluable.
Back then, I was focused on doing what I wanted without any thought of what God might want for me. I ignored my gut instinct that buying that car was not a good idea, and talked myself into it with my head, using research and verbal rationalization. Looking back, my behavior was the first clue that I was working against my gut. He taught me to notice when I am talking incessantly about why something is a good idea. In those situations, He invites me to check my gut to see if I might be trying to talk myself into it. Since then, this practice has brought wisdom into my decision-making many times!
But more importantly, God showed me that what I called my “gut” was actually the leading of His Holy Spirit. When it came to the car, He was speaking—I just wasn’t listening. The truth is, God is always speaking! There is a reason that God’s Holy Spirit is called Counselor, Friend, Advocate, and Helper (among other things). He will teach us and provide us with wise counsel—and God graciously gives us the free will to decide if we are going to listen. (He loves us either way, though!)
Next Steps
Are you in tune with your gut instincts? When they align with God’s nature and desires, they may actually be His Holy Spirit speaking to you. Take a few minutes and ask God to amplify your sensing of His Holy Spirit’s leading.