From Generation To Generation
Veronica Burlock, Worship Pastor, Wheaton | January 1, 2024

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.
2 Timothy 1:5
Growing up, on the last day of the year, my mom would gather us up in her room around 11:55 p.m. to pray in the new year. While the rest of the world was out and about partying or anticipating the ball drop at midnight, we were at home gathered around to pray and thank God for another year. When I was little, I always complained to my sisters about how lame I thought that was. Whenever we asked our mom if we had to do it, she would say, “You’re not promised another year. It’s by God’s grace that He allows us to see a new year.”
Now, as an adult, I’ve learned to do that same thing—to pause, pray, and be grateful for what God has done for me in the prior year and get excited and expectant about all that He’s going to do in the next. Some things we do in an attempt to live for God may seem small, but they really do matter.
Paul is telling Timothy that his grandmother’s way of life influenced his mother’s way of life, and now that influence is being passed to him. What a great testament to this family in how they’ve passed down blessings from generation to generation. Many stories in the Bible remind me of this. Joshua commanded one man from each tribe to grab twelve stones from the Jordan River to remind them of how God came through for them. He directed them to carry these stones from camp to camp everywhere they went so that when their children were older and asked about the stone, they could testify to what God had done (Joshua 4:5-7). That is what keeps blessings going from generation to generation.
How you live out your life matters, and the people around you are watching. You’re always teaching others around you something, and it’s rarely with what you say. It’s mostly with how you live.
Next Steps
What is one small thing you could try to implement in the new year that might help you focus on God? Perhaps it’s writing Scripture on a Post-it note and placing it over the bathroom mirror. Maybe it’s committing to pray with a friend once a week or joining a small group at church. In the next few days, ask God what He might have you do.