He Knocks
Nancy Hatcher, Guest Writer, South Barrington | May 15, 2023

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they will be with me.
Revelation 3:20
When I was in third grade, my mom got it in her head that we needed to move to a bigger house. My sisters and I had seen the house because it was the talk of the neighborhood, and at the time, some called it the “scary witch house,” and others called it haunted. My new room had a door and a Juliet balcony off of it, but without my sisters, I was so lonely in that room—and scared.
It was almost midnight on a tranquil night when I found myself obsessing about kidnappers. I pathetically cried, “Help,” as I stared at the bathroom light down the hall.
My parents seemed to snore louder in response to my plea.
Then an amazing Bible verse from Sunday school popped into my head about Jesus knocking at the door and wanting to come in and eat with me. So in the stillness, I cranked open the door of my heart to God—no bad guys allowed—and so began my relationship with Jesus, my closest friend.
In his vision about the church at Laodicea, John penned the above words because he was concerned about them being lukewarm. He warns first of the Lord’s discipline, then uses this image of Jesus knocking at the door and waiting for us to open it so he can eat and fellowship. Jesus wants us to enjoy his presence and listen to his advice.
He wants me, and he wants you. Let that truth sink in.
The God of the universe knocks gently; he doesn’t force his way in. We turn the knob on the door, and he walks in, taking us in his arms. He usually asks me, “So, what are we feasting on today? Psalms, Romans or possibly a little Chris Tomlin?”
Maybe you haven’t responded to his knock, or you’ve drifted or think you hurt His heart somehow. Close your eyes and imagine that you hear His slow and steady knock. He never stops choosing you. Consider opening your heart’s door.
Next Steps
If you haven’t decided to follow Jesus yet, maybe today is your day. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior with a simple prayer. Something like this:
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin and for forgiving me. Please come into my life to be my Lord and help me live each day for you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Whether you have already chosen to follow Jesus or you’re still on the fence, Willow has many small groups to choose from to journey with you in your faith. Connect with our team here to find the group for you.