Dirty Baseboards
Kerri Ash, Volunteer Writer, South Barrington | May 17, 2023

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
John 2:1-3
I love the story of Jesus’ first miracle where He turned water into wine. Wine is an important part of the Jewish wedding tradition and a symbol of joy in Hebrew culture—so running out would have been humiliating for the couple and their families.
The bride and groom likely had no idea of the effect of inviting Jesus to be part of their day. They couldn’t have known that He would not only demonstrate but also share the joy of Yahweh at their celebration!
I love welcoming and feeding others in my home, and I enjoy putting my personal touch on the decor. One Christmas Eve dinner several years ago, a first-time guest told me, “I can feel the love of Jesus here in your home.” It brought tears and a little God-kiss—the awareness that sharing His love is the heart behind my hospitality.
This new awareness led me to be intentional with the atmosphere in my home. I felt led to dedicate it and everything that took place in it to God. I invited Jesus and Holy Spirit to move right in and bring God’s heart and love. I decided to keep worship music on in my kitchen—it brings me peace and often has my family members singing along as they putter around.
Recently, the night before a special gathering for my Dad’s 80th birthday, our basement flooded. Exhausted, exasperated, frustrated, and wet, I realized that I would not be able to complete the tasks on my to-do list that would have my house in tip-top shape and irritatedly said to my husband, “Well, no one is going to be very impressed with this house….” Knowing my heart, he said, “Since when do you try to impress people with the house?”
I realized that my comment came from my pride—I was so caught up in the condition of my home that I forgot the most important part—Jesus was invited to the gathering! I immediately repented and asked Him to bless my dad and all those coming to the party, praying they would experience His love and God’s presence in my home. In a short while, peace settled within me, and I saw my house not as the one with dirty baseboards but as the one where Jesus lives. And, of course, the next day, His love was felt by all at the party.
Whether it was a shortage of wine or dirty baseboards, Jesus was invited, and joy was experienced!
Next Steps
If you feel led, take the time to invite God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit into your home. Ask them to create an atmosphere where His love can be felt by all who enter. Pray through each room of your house, inviting peace and joy to reign.