Our Partners

We have fantastic partners in El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. Learn more about them below!

Enlace (El Salvador)

In El Salvador we partner with an organization called Enlace. Enlace coaches and resources leaders to develop sustainable solutions that address some of the hardest issues facing their local community. These leaders have designed medical clinics, housing solutions, and water systems.

Ways they’re making a difference…

  • 407 leaders were developed through trainings in 2024
  • Over 30,000 people were impacted by the work those leaders did to empower their community to fight extreme poverty

Ways to pray for Enlace

  • Pray for leaders as they work alongside their community organizations and local government to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in their community
  • Pray that community members would know the love of Jesus through these efforts

AVI (Dominican Republic)

In the Dominican Republic we partner with an organization called Asociación Aguas Vivientes, Inc. They are a Christ-centered church network organization that works with over 850 churches throughout the Dominican Republic. They train pastors to listen to their communities and respond to the felt needs of the community by organizing and mobilizing the people and resources available to them.

Ways they’re making a difference…

  • In the work we did together in 2024, they provided over 1,700 pastors with holistic training.
  • Thousands of children were provided access to education through the local churches of trained pastors that are running community schools.
  • They also historically worked with pastors to set up clean water projects. One of those projects was Eddy De Leon, whose small-scale water filtration project has now turned into a full clean water treatment facility that provides water for the entire surrounding community. They charge ⅓ of the price for the water (allowing it to be a sustainable operation) and supply the water for free to all the schools, firehouses, and other public works in the community.

Ways to pray for AVI

Pray for the pastors who are being trained, along with their coaches, that they are able to listen well to their communities and discern the right way to work with their community to spread the Good News through word and deed. Many of these pastors (Vicente and Gisella especially) have given up everything to serve their communities, so pray also for their personal provision. Pray also for the kids in the community who are served.

Red Viva (Costa Rica)

In Costa Rica we partner with an organization called Red Viva. Costa Rica is prone to natural disasters, and as a tourist destination, is confronted with the devastating realities of child trafficking. Red Viva assists by increasing the local churches’ capacity to care for vulnerable children and their families.

Ways they’re making a difference…

  • Worked with 74 churches last year to provide over 1,000 children access to education.
  • Trained 190 adults in leadership for families in crisis in 2024

Ways to pray for Red Viva

  • Pray for the students who are dealing with increased levels of depression
  • Pray for the migrants who are coming to Costa Rica from countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua, many of whom face hardship and lack of opportunity in Costa Rica

Other Partners

Asia & the Middle East