I grew up in Chicago and attended Catholic school for 12 years. The nuns taught us many valuable lessons that shaped me into the person I am today. However, from the artwork surrounding me, I only saw...
I was seven years old when my dad had his last drink and entered inpatient treatment. Through Alcoholics Anonymous and similar 12-step programs, he and countless others have climbed out of...
Have you ever been blindsided by someone you loved, trusted, or agreed with on many issues of faith? This past weekend, my proverbial family boat, which I often cocoon in, was severely rocked—the...
Do you love attending personal development workshops as much as I do? If your answer is no, please don’t stop reading. I think there still might be something in the next few words for you.
No one defines “down to earth” like Jesus. We use this phrase when we encounter someone who is grounded and genuine, real and relatable. But when deity decides to lay that aside, to step into the...
I walked down the stairs and peered through the foyer to our Christmas tree, where the gifts I had carefully wrapped for our children hid beneath the bottom branches. Seemingly out of nowhere, a pang...
God’s original intention in creating humanity was for people to live with Him as family. This began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, preserving the human bloodline with Noah, and then in His...