The devil is good at lying. He doesn’t just lie for the sake of speaking untruths, but He cuts to our core, feeding us garbage about who we are. Satan has told me I’m unlovable and alone.
I had a dream last night that I was really angry at a dressing room attendant at Kohl’s. I was so angry in this dream that I went into my car and yelled for a while, just to release the frustration...
In a 2005 commencement speech, late author David Foster Wallace said, “There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.”
Anger is a healthy and powerful emotion. It shows up to protect us when we’re in danger. It stirs us to action in the face of injustice. So why does anger turn sour so quickly?
The groundhog didn’t see his shadow on February 2. While I welcome the “early Spring” weather this year with arms wide open, the result of the warmer temps has made for a foggy start to 2024.