In Monday’s devotional, we discussed how following God is less about making sure we get to heaven when we die and more about representing God on the earth now. Today, we’re picking up this...
From the beginning, humans were created to live and thrive in nature. Adam and Eve were birthed in a garden, charged with its care and tending and given safety and provision in return.
When I read a section of Scripture that is hard to comprehend at first glance, I often ask, “What happened just before this?”
For a long time, I was convinced that being a Christian was all about making sure I could get to Heaven someday. Every once in a while, I would re-pray the prayer to make sure I was still “in".
Spiritual life boils down to one question: “Where do you want to go?” This is oversimplified, but why overcomplicate things?
I love words and adopt a favorite almost monthly. My latest word is crave. I almost always crave food.
I remember when I learned to “spy the hand of God” in my life. I had learned four ways to become aware of God’s presence while teaching an adult Sunday School videotape series, which I also sold...
I love teenagers! I spend a lot of time around them.
It follows us wherever we go, like a shadow. It’s there when we wake up first thing in the morning and there again when we lay our head on the pillow at night to fall asleep.